One of the greatest visionaries Steve Jobs died just a day after the presentation of Iphone 4s.
You might not like apple, their products but even they were sometimes not polished like lack of MMS support in first iphone, they always reconsidered their faults and tried to improve their products. They redefined touch devices, music players, laptops, computers (all in one idea for example is from apple) so they can be as they are today. Things like iPhone, iPad, iPod and Macs are icons of our modern society. As a PC guy I have to say honestly. Your ideas have not only changed apple products but all other devices. The look of your devices was simple but beautiful. Both in software and look others tried to copy it with more or less success. Simply thank you for computers and for other devices as we know today. Maybe without you we would be still in era of Windows XP, the phones would be just phones, and we might not even had tablet's or more intuitive operating systems both in phones and PC. You showed the direction in which we should go. And I hope others will not waste it.
Steve Jobs the biggest visionary of a computer industry.
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